
Membership Registration Form

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Purchase your Eastmoor Civic Association Membership, Sponsorship, or Swag item below.

We are grateful for your support of the Eastmoor Civic Association. Please use the drop down menu to select your desired membership level, event sponsorship level, or Swag item. We also need some additional volunteers to round out our team. Please note your interest and best way to contact you during the check-out process.


The Eastmoor Civic Association has a variety of membership levels ranging from $25-$200 annually. The memberships align with the calendar year.
Please select a membership level from the dropdown options.
Please select the level of sponsorship you prefer.
Note if you'd like the sponsorship for Home & Garden Tour, National Night Out, or Fairmoor Elementary.
I'd like to be contacted about volunteering with the Civic.
The Eastmoor Civic Association has a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year from one-off events to board positions.
Would You Like to Remain Anonymous?
Members will be be publicly thanked on our website unless otherwise indicated below.